Plumbing, Heating & AC in Troy, MI
Local & Licensed Plumbing & HVAC Company Serving Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne Counties
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Plumbing, Heating or Cooling Repair
- Local & Licensed Team.
- Fast Response Experts.
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Coupon Must Be Mentioned When Booking & Be Presented At Time Of Service. Available Off $250 or More. Limit One. Not Valid With Any Other Offers. Valid Only At Participating Locations. Family Owned & Operated Birmingham Plumbing Company.
AC, Furnace or Boiler Installation
- Local & Licensed Team.
- Fast Response Experts.
- Call Today & Save!
Coupon Must Be Mentioned When Booking & Be Presented At Time Of Service. Available Off $250 or More. Limit One. Not Valid With Any Other Offers. Valid Only At Participating Locations. Family Owned & Operated Birmingham Plumbing Company.
Water Heater Installation
- Local & Licensed Team.
- Fast Response Experts.
- Call Today & Save!
Coupon Must Be Mentioned When Booking & Be Presented At Time Of Service. Available Off $250 or More. Limit One. Not Valid With Any Other Offers. Valid Only At Participating Locations. Family Owned & Operated Birmingham Plumbing Company.
Residential and Commercial Plumbers & HVAC in Troy, MI.
Do you need plumbing, heating or ac services? Looking for a company you can count on? Call Birmingham Plumbing, Heating & Cooling now!
Birmingham Plumbing Heating & Cooling is a full-service company specializing in residential plumbing. No matter how simple or complex your problem may be, our team is equipped with the skills and the latest technology to handle the issue in a swift and effective manner. We will examine all areas of your sewer and plumbing systems, provide drain cleanings, and use special telescope cameras to identify any hidden problems within your system.
We are also a full-service HVAC contractor dedicated to providing reliable residential and commercial heating and cooling services. We have been helping the residents of Troy and surrounding areas for the past 10 years and have developed a reputation for our reliable, high-quality heating and cooling services.
Drain Cleaning | Repair | Sewer Lines | Sump Pumps | Water Heaters
Get A Quote NowBirmingham Plumbing & Cooling Your Local & Licensed Experts
Experiencing a Plumbing or HVAC Emergency? Call Now for Service!
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Birmingham Plumbing, Heating & Cooling Dedicated to Serving Michigan Residents.
Birmingham Plumbing, Heating and Cooling is a family owned and operated residential and light commercial plumbing, heating and cooling service and installation company. Our owner, Frank Winters, is a 3rd generation Tradesman with a passion for helping individuals and families in the Birmingham and surrounding communities with their home service needs. Frank started the company with only one service vehicle in 2008. His commitment to providing only the highest quality plumbing services proved to be the key to success, allowing Frank to quickly build a strong customer base and grow the company, adding heating and cooling service and installation to the companies’ service offerings in 2012. We now have over 20 service vehicles on the road, all guided by the same principal the company was founded on of providing only the highest quality service to our customers.
At Birmingham Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, our customers satisfaction is our top priority. We are dedicated to making a difference in our customer’s home comfort through providing only the highest quality repair and installation services. Our commitment to providing quality service and our customers satisfaction will be reflected in everything from your initial interaction with our friendly and helpful office staff, all the way through to the completion of your service visit performed by one of our highly skilled plumbing or HVAC professionals.
HVAC | Air Conditioning | Heating | Boilers | Furnaces
Local, Licensed & Dedicated
Service and Repair Experts
For over 15 years Birmingham Plumbing, Heating & Cooling has been serving Troy and surrounding Michigan area residents. We specialize in plumbing, heating and air conditioning services in both residential and commercial properties. As a local, licensed and insured company, our professional technicians ensure you receive top-notch service and satisfaction. After all, at Birmingham our customers are more than just a number. They are our friends, neighbors and family!