Common Sump Pump Issues

Common Sump Pump Issues

Your sump pump helps to prevent any flooding from causing damage to your home. It is beneficial to regularly check and perform maintenance on your sump pump to ensure it is working properly. It is beneficial to understand common sump pump issues so that you know what to look for. This helps prevent a small problem from turning into a large one.

What to Watch For

Your sump pump is an important aspect of your plumbing system. If you are experiencing any of these issues, you may want to contact a professional to ensure the problem is fully addressed and properly handled. Common issues include:

  • Faulty switch – A switch is installed in your sump pump and is responsible for maintaining the sump pump. A switch can become clogged or broken due to dirt or debris.
  • No water – Sump pumps are designed to collect and then pump out groundwater. If there is no water within the pump, there may be an issue with your drainage system.
  • Incorrect size – Size plays an important role in a sump pump’s ability to handle the demand. You’ll notice that you may have the wrong size if your sump pump is constantly running.
  • Incorrect installation – It is vital that a sump pump is stabilized, set correctly, and installed with a check valve. If a sump pump is improperly installed, this can affect its ability to function appropriately.
  • Sounds – When a sump pump isn’t working correctly, it can often indicate a problem through sounds. This includes banging, grinding, or clanking.

 What You Should Do 

If you are concerned about the health of your sump pump, call in a professional. This is especially important if no maintenance work has been performed in some time. A professional will be able to determine the exact cause of your issue. You’ll have peace of mind that your sump pump is performing at full efficiency. Contact us to learn more about caring for your sump pump.