One of the most important preemptive measures to take as the winter months approach is ensuring that your pipes are prepared for the cold months ahead. Extreme cold can lead to water within your pipe system becoming frozen. This can lead to a pipe bursting, which can cost a lot in repairs and potential damages. To be prepared for the winter, it is important to check both your outdoor and indoor pipes.
Checking Your Pipes
- Outdoor pipes– In the winter, we utilize our outdoor spigots to care for our lawn and gardens. We also use them for water activities to cool down on a hot day. Once the weather starts to turn colder, it is important to winterize your outdoor pipes. Your outdoor spigot usually goes unused in the winter, which means you may not notice a leaking pipe until it’s too late. It is important to disconnect any hoses and drain the water. If possible, turn off the valve that supplies water to that spigot. Once that is turned off, you can open the hose bib valve and let the water drain. Leaving this valve open during the winter can help to alleviate pressure if freezing occurs.
- Indoor pipes– A crack or a burst in your pipes can lead to major water leaks. When it is especially cold, it is recommended to leave your faucets at a small drip to alleviate pressure and keep water moving. You can also keep cabinets open to help circulate the warmer air of your home. It is also beneficial to make sure your pipes are properly insulated, especially along exterior walls or other areas that have greater exposure to the elements outside.
Winterize Your Pipes Today
If you are concerned your pipes aren’t up to handle the winter ahead, it is important to have any issues taken care of before it gets too cold. A massive leak or a burst pipe can cause a lot of damage to your home and property. Maintaining proper care and winterizing techniques can help prevent a major issue from happening. At Birmingham Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, we understand how harsh the winters can be. Contact us with all your plumbing concerns and questions.